Hungry for an epic journey to boast about to your friends? Papua New Guinea is a great choice! You can experience incredibly remote places that only a few adventurers have made it to. Sometimes it's the journey that is more unforgettable than the destination itself. Imagine yourself, sailing along the mighty Sepik or Fly rivers and visiting remote villages rich in distinctive and complex cultures. Experiencing hop on, hop off adventures to picturesque, coral-ringed sandy islands in Milne Bay or around New Hanover in New Ireland Province. Riding on a 265 km Boluminski Highway on a bike from Kavieng to Namatanai, enjoying scenic coastline, and stopping at laidback villages with curious locals, ready to accommodate you in beachfront guesthouses. Travelling the Highlands from Goroka up to the Lake Kutubu and experiencing flamboyant cultural events and festivals on the way. These are only a few examples of itineraries that can easily become your experience of a lifetime.